Monday, 30 April 2007

Inaugural Post

This is a small community blog designed as a repository for various tips and ideas we have come across that would make the world of work a better place. None of us have any formal qualifications in anything like business, marketing or management, we've just spent several years experiencing these things on the front line. Some experiences made us want to cheer, some made us want to cry.

The aim of this blog is not for us to bitch about our colleagues past and present, it's to showcase positive ideas for how to make the daily grind a little less like a grind. We want to stay both positive and practical, hopefully we won't be suggesting huge expensive overhauls of systems and staffing, just simple to do, cheap to implement ideas that might make your office more efficient, your business marginally more successful and your staff a little bit happier.

I reserve the right to re-write this post at a later date to make it more relevant, poetic and generally improve the quality of it.

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