Wednesday, 9 May 2007

"The Dip".

We've all seen it, most of us have been there: You've started a business and grown it quite a bit. People say "If we keep on growing at this rate we'll be billionaires by Wednesday". It never does though does it? Everything settles nicely into a rut. A 'dip' if you like.

Marketing guru Seth Godin has released a new book called 'The Dip'. (I'm a big supporter of obvious titles by the way). As a taster, the subtitle of the book is: "The little book that teaches you when to quit, and when to stick".

As part of his marketing (which you'd hope is good, right?), he's published a 10 page manifesto over at ChangeThis. Well worth a read though it's perhaps a little short, but it makes you want to buy the book. (Hey.. I *did* say he was a guru!)

Enjoy !

1 comment:

Sam Moore said...

A good read. Since I've only really worked in one company where I was party to what was going on at the top, I can't comment whether the 'dip' always happens but it makes a lot of sense.